Photography has a long and complicated relationship with memory and truth. For the last five years I have grown increasingly interested in that fact, while exploring ways to push my own understanding of the medium. The core of my curiosity is relatively simple: What is a photograph and how does that answer affect our collective understanding?

I consider these images to be photographs. They are made with basic photographic materials – silver gelatin paper, developer, and fixer. Light and time are requirements for their making. Photography, by definition, means “writing with light”. It does not mean “framing with camera”. The technical terms for the prints are chemigrams and lumen prints, and they are made without the use of a camera. They are references to places and moments I have observed. Yet, I acknowledge that they don’t look like photographs; at least what we’ve all come to accept as such. And, that, to me, is the point.

Do we define a thing or person or place or moment by what most of us assume it to look like on the surface, or do we define it by what is required for its creation?

To purchase individual prints, please visit this link.